Special Message from Kim Valliere DL 78, DBR

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The 40th Grand lodge Convention held in Las Vegas was a huge success, the delegates passed resolutions and made changes to the constitution to set the course for the future.

There were approximately 153 Canadian delegates who participated, out of 1,053 delegates
A resolution was passed to form a committee on the future, this committee will evaluate where we are today and make recommendations for our future.

Some other highlights from convention;

  • the raising of the strike fund from $150 per week to $200.
  • The Grand Lodge will be adding three committees to the local lodges’ list of committees: Women’s Committee, Human Rights Committee, Veteran’s Committee.(The Grand Lodge reported that they have 30,000 members who are veterans.  They have set up a means to make sure that the veterans receive their correct dollar amount of pensions and disability pension; this is a big issue in the U.S.)
  • Created a per month/per member collection process to ensure conventions are funded on an ongoing basis, in order for the business of the union to take place. 
  • Created a per month/per member collection amount which will support our IAM disaster relief program. 
  • Some of the changes that Grand Lodge will be implementing are: Electronic membership application forms, Seals to be electronic
  • Confirmation of the LEADS program (Leadership program for IAM Sisters)
  • The Canadian Research Director, Ivana Saula presented a report on Artificial Intelligence.  Research shows that 42% of jobs will be affected by automation.  The effect will be less need for skilled labour and wage stagnation.  Ivana mentioned that there will be new jobs that will be created due to A.I.  The union is concerned that the governments and employers are not doing impact assessments on the jobs and how the workers are going to be supported during the changeover to A.I.  The IAM is fighting and lobbying for a seat at the table, to ensure workers protections and security is top of the agenda. 

District 78 Woman’s committee is meeting bi-monthly and currently working on two campaigns right now, a winter coat collection and a school supplies collection for students who enrol throughout the year. 

IAM DL 78 retirees are meeting regularly, district 78 is providing a light lunch.  

Please be sure to advise the district the names of your local delegates to the district as well as ensure they attend the district meetings.

President and financial officers meeting will be held at district office on November 11/22 at 10am

District 78 will be raffling tickets on mixed baskets in November and December for Guide Dogs fundraiser starting first week of November.

In solidarity,

Kim Valliere