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Timeless moments, lasting impact! This is how one would describe the Historic 41st Grand Lodge Convention in New York City.

It was here that the International President Brian Bryant welcomed the 1200 delegates that convened in New York City to pass resolutions, set policies and discuss crucial issues that could impact the membership and the community at large. As in the past, these conventions lay the groundwork for serving the membership and advocacy for all. However, it goes beyond that. This crucial event presents an opportunity to democratically enact changes within the union or introduce new policies and guidelines, with members voting on these changes. It also brings together members from all sectors of our union to listen to fresh ideas and engage in discussions. This provides valuable insights into areas that can be enhanced or changed within the union and serves as an excellent platform for generating new ideas for Local or District initiatives.The inspirational slogan and theme was ‘Honouring Our Past, Building Our Future’. THE OBJECTIVE BEING TO CREATE A BETTER FUTURE FOR WORKERS.

The host territory—the IAM Eastern Territory, the IAM Executive Council, and Grand Lodge staff met, coordinated and set up an exciting week full of solidarity and union power. We at LL1231 are so grateful for the incredible effort that was put in to make this event a great success.

Thank you to IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President David Sullivan and the entire Eastern Territory for your hospitality in NYC and for your last two years of incredibly hard work making the 41st IAM Grand Lodge Convention happen! — Machinists Union

Talented comedian Desi Lydic and renowned musician Tom Morello joined IAM International President Brian Bryant to open the 2024 Grand Lodge Convention with a bang.

Some of the Highlights of the Convention

  1. New York State AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento, who was just re-elected last week to the position for a fourth four-year term, addressed IAM 41st Grand Lodge Convention delegates with an uplifting speech about the labor movement’s legacy of helping future generations by building on. – IMAIL
  2. LCLAA President Evelyn DeJesus Applauds IAM’s Continued Fight for Workers’ Rights and Calls for Unity Through Collective Action. – IMAIL
  3. Committee on the Future Members Discuss Union Structure and Dues for Convention Delegates – IMAIL
  4. IAM Takes Bold Steps in Addressing Climate Crisis and Embracing Green Technologies, Releases Report on Clean Energy Economy for the Future – IMAIL
  5. “When American Unions Are Strong, the United States of America is Strong” – Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries Voices Support for IAM Workers – IMAIL
  6. Delegates heard from NYC CLC President Vinny Alvarez, U.S. Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, SAG-AFTRA’s Linda Powell, CBTU President Terry Melvin, and the IAM Committee on the Future. – IMAIL
  7. David Chartrand, IAM Canadian General Vice-President said, “With more than half the delegates attending their very first IAM Convention, the attendees truly embody the spirit of the convention theme which addresses our past and our future. We’re glad to have 174 delegates from Canada, many of them being here for the first time.” – IMAIL
  8. SAG-AFTRA EVP Linda Powell Calls for Renewed Union Solidarity and Action – IMAIL
  9. CBTU President Rev. Terry Melvin, invigorates IAM Delegates to Organize and Mobilize – IMAIL
  10. Win a Better Future For All of Us” – Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Fires Up Delegates Embracing Transformative Change for Working People and Taking on Corporate Greed – IMAIL
  11. Acting U.S. Labor Secretary Julie Su Advocates for Stronger Unions and Worker First Economy at IAM 41st Grand Lodge Convention – IMAIL
  12. A New Look for the IAM: Committee on the Future Members Discuss Rebranding the Union – IMAIL
  13. Ending Violence in Our Workplaces and Beyond: IAM 41st Convention Welcomed ‘Be More Than a Bystander’ Program Leader Ashley Humphrys, Manager of Social Enterprises for the Ending Violence Association of British Columbia – IMAIL
  14. 41st IAM Convention Establishes the Chris Wagoner Scholarship Grant. In November of 2022, the IAM lost a beloved and influential leader and educator, retired IAM William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center Director Chris Wagoner. Now, 41st IAM Grand Lodge Convention delegates are honoring Wagoner’s conviction to expand educational opportunities for members by passing Resolution No. 32: Chris Wagoner Memorial Leadership Grant. – IMAIL
  15. IAM Amplifies the Call for Political Engagement at the 41st Grand Lodge Convention. During the IAM 41st Grand Lodge Convention, IAM National Political and Legislative Director, Hasan Solomon, delivered a powerful message on the critical need for political involvement among IAM members. Solomon’s impassioned address emphasized the direct impact of political decisions on workers’ rights and the imperative for active engagement in the political arena. – IMAIL

Members of Congress and the Biden Administration who spoke at this year’s IAM Convention included:

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY)

Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)

Acting U.S. Labor Secretary Julie Su

U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Ambassador Katherine Tai

U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

Some pictures from the 41st Grand Lodge Convention

Reports of our LL1231 Delegates to the 41st Grand Lodge Convention

Lystra Mohammed : Secretary Treasurer:

The grand lodge convention started off with enthusiasm and a lot of energy from the delegates. It was great to see all the delegates, about half of the delegates were first time delegates to the Convention.
The Host committee the Eastern Territory, did an amazing job with planning of the convention, the entertainment was awesome. I especially like the Harlem choir, it was invigorating and uplifting to hear them sing.
We met with the Canadian Caucus, Canadian GVP Dave Chartrand welcomed everyone on behalf of the executive council. At the meeting they talked about the creation of the committee of the future, and recognized Gary Hines for His years of service with IAM. He will be retiring next year. Eric Johnson Business Rep for District 78 talked about the Law committee and the different proposals and resolutions that will be presented to the members. Everyone was eager and excited to the start of the convention.
The Opening reception was held at the USS INTREPID. It was a carrier in World War 2. The incredible size of the ship was awe-inspiring.
The daily invocations of the different religious leaders, created a big impact on me. It was comforting to know that our union had different religious leaders from all backgrounds, showing how much we care for each members beliefs and it demonstrated respect for everyone.
The panel discussions were very thorough and gave everyone a chance to get into the conversation of what really matters to the union, what is working and what is not.
Canadian labour congress president Bea Bruske talked about a major victory that was passed – Anti stab Resolution was passed at the federal level, showing the power of solidarity. Dental care and the Sustainable Job Act and Pharmacare to name a few. Bea Bruske made sure no worker is left behind.
The closing reception was incredible taking the ferry to Ellis Island the amazing view of the statue of liberty. The music, the food and the fire works were out of this world.
The interruption of the Canadian member with 50 years of service with the phone call with the Governor Tim Walz who thanked all the members, being a union man himself. When the union is strong the country is strong
Resolution 38 endorsing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz ticket to the upcoming election.
Recognizing our very own Scott Jackson, Rootisha Sampat and Mona Burke and Human Rights Chair Vivienne Simon speech was excellent.
Quotes that stand out to me
When we fight, we win.
Our Diversity is our strength and our unity is our power,
Every person is a potential organizer.
When America Union is strong the USA is strong.
Those who forget to honor the past might repeat it
We are one, we are and unstoppable force.

Marcia Stone : Recording Secretary

Thanks to all my sisters and brothers who voted for me to attend the 41st Grand Lodge Convention in New York. I had a wonderful time with my siblings from across Canada and USA. I am glad to be a part of honoring our past, building our future and all the resolutions that were passed by us the delegates.

There were some great speakers there, i will just mention a few. There were New York State AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento, who was just re-elected last week to the position for the fourth four-year term, addressed IAM Union delegates with and uplifting speech about the Labor movement’s legacy of helping future generations by building on.

Committee on the future members discuss Union structure and dues or convention delegates. They conduct a listening session for members in every part of the union and learn what changes and improvements IAM members think are needed to grow the union and develop the next generation of leaders.

The endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris for President and Gov. Tim Walz for Vice President. We the delegates to the Convention approved the resolution from the floor. Gov. Tim Walz gave a speech on the upcoming Election.

It was awesome to see our own Canadian Labor Leader Bea Bruske deliver an empowering message to the Convention Staff and Delegates. She said that the Labor movement, has never been stronger and we are not going back to the days the Government ignored and disrespected us.

I have been to this second Convention and the knowledge and encouragement I have received make me a stronger union member for my fellow members. I would love to see more young people in our Local so we could have a young members committee, because they are our future.

Theresa Bukoroh : Chief Steward York

It was an honour and a privilege as a first time delegate to attend the 41st IAM Grand Lodge Convention in New York City on Saturday, August 31st, 2024. I was grateful to be a part of the 41st IAM Grand Lodge Convention to meet our sisters and brothers from all over North America, with one heart and purpose concerning what we believe in and stand for at our work place’s safety, fairness and respect for all members. Also to amend our constitution if it needed to be.

There were so many topics and stories talked about at the convention that resonated with me but I have chosen a few to highlight on.

On day 2, I heard a story about how one of the women delegates from North Carolina who was a teacher, switched her career to a fire fighter. She collected the decommissioned fire hoses and turned them into customized branded bags called “Burn bags USA” to help women recovering from addiction, to give them a second chance to get back on their feet. This brought tears of joy to my eyes as a member of a woman committee, that this woman delegate sacrifices her time to bring changes to vulnerable women in need of help.

I was happy to hear about diversity and inclusivity that no one was discriminated, and had a voice in our union which was great.

The theme for the 41st IAM Grand Lodge Convention this year was “Honouring Our Past, Building Our Future” this reminds me of the New York State of American Federation of Labour President Mario Cilento who shared on how his father used to tell him and his sister that his involvement in the union was to build the future. He shared how he benefited a portion of his Dad’s pension to pay for his child or children’s university tuition after his father passed away. This story stood out to prove this year’s 41st IAM Grand Lodge Convention theme was well fit.

Marene Robinson : Chief Steward Peel

Hello everyone, my name is Marene Robinson. IAM healthcare local 1231 district 78. | had the great opportunity of attending the 41st Grand Lodge Convention of our union in New York City. Thanks to all my colleagues that voted for me. The Theme of this convention was Honoring Our Past – Building Our Future. I saw videos of the great work our brothers, sisters, and siblings are doing in many sectors of the union, such as Healthcare, Transportation, Organizing, and various areas in the Air Lines, to name a few. I now understand more on how our laws are made that governs the union body. Did you know that Canada has over 40,000 unionized workers? “We need more”. Honoring our past, the first labor march was in 1882 in New York City. Building our future September 7, 2024 there was a labor march in New York City. Wow when honouring and building together the future is bright. Yes, the future looks very bright for our union. I also experienced a piece of history. Dinner and dance on the USS Intrepid a retired world war aircraft carrier. There were also retired helicopter and fighter jets on board. This truly was an awesome experience. Thank you.

Rai Sagar : Chief Steward York

The IAM’s 41st Convention was held on a grand scale. The theme ‘Honoring our past – Building our Future, was apt considering the events, resolutions and other activities that were held in the Historic week in New York City. The rebranding of the IAM was met with the approval of the membership at large. Our International President Brian Bryant in his closing remarks said that our Union’s success isn’t just about numbers. It’s about dignity, passion and unity. He thanked the organizers for the hard work they put in to change thousands of lives.

I felt gratitude for the experience that I had and was touched by how the delegates took care of one another. In closing I would say, God bless everyone.

In Conclusion , I would like to say that the Convention was a demonstration of the strength, resilience, solidarity, and resolve of our great Union. It works tirelessly to mete out justice thereby improving the lives of it’s membership and workers in general. This was evident in all the workings of the committees, the resolutions that were passed and the important issues that were discussed. The Convention was an acknowledgment of the past struggles and provided a clear vision of the direction the IAM plans to take in the future. “The theme of the Convention is a profound acknowledgment of our roots and a clear-eyed vision for what we strive to achieve. It is a call to action for all members to contribute to the collective effort of building a future where our union is stronger, more inclusive, and more influential than ever before.”

In his closing remarks International President of the IAM Brian Bryant said, “Thank you for lending your voice to build the future of our great union and thank you for representing your membership back home with pride and passion.”

The Convention demonstrated the importance of co-operation and agreement among union members to achieve the common goals and objectives.

We have charted a course for progress, let us now embark on the journey to build our future together.