On June 13th and 14th, 2024 your Communicator Sabiha Khan, along with two other union brothers, Justin Zia from Local 717 T and Kevin Gallant from Local 905 attended a Website training and Communications class, held at the District 78 Office, at 557 Dixon Road, Toronto. The training was conducted by Territorial Communications Representative.Frank Saptel.
Frank, delivered the training and covered many topics including:
Good informative story writing to attract an audience with catchy headlines, great pictures and graphics.How to use WordPress to update and develop our Website. Sourcing labour content, which can impact our working lives, to post on the website. These would include links to the IAM International site and the IAM Canadian site, so that members can be updated about what’s going on in their union at large.
The leadership of Local Lodge 1231 decided that timely and efficient communication is an important part of how our local should operate. This training was relevant as it discussed the value of involving everyone in the Local Lodge and encouraging member feedback.
Your Communicator will pass on information about meetings, events, what’s going on at your local and also important information about current trends in labour and the workforce. We encourage everyone to check out our website for any of your union related needs and questions.