The OPCM held it’s 59th Annual convention in Ajax Ontario, after 3 long years, due to the Pandemic. They covered a diverse range of topics ranging from organizing, mentorship, political action and choosing a new executive board .
Increasing diversity in IAM was clearly reflected in the inclusion of more women and people of visible minorities.
It was wonderful to see how many of the attendees were first time delegates due to the special efforts and inclusionary measures of District 78.
Many presentations were made, including one done by the IAM Canada General Vice President David Chartrand who spoke about the many new initiatives being promoted by the IAM across North America.
Some pictures of the event.

Some of the LL1231 members who attended the convention, shared their experiences and were happy to bring the knowledge and skills they gained, back with them, to share with our fellow members.
Said Liza Thambaiah, Secretary Treasurer of LL1231, ” There was almost a 100 delegates and guests in attendance. I was excited since this was my first OPCM Convention, but there were many first time delegates with recognizable faces as well.”
Liza goes on to say ” Some of the highlights of the convention were Ivana Saula’s presentation outlining the LEADS program which helps to empower women in the IAM, to step into leadership roles within the union. The GVP DAVE CHARTRAND and Gord Falconer emphasized the need to engage with members, updating lodges bylaws to include virtual meetings and encourage members involvement in Political Action. Rootisha Rampat District Lodge organizer gave a comprehensive presentation on organizing at the district and the importance of increasing union membership. Some of the new executive board members elected to preside for the next three years included Nesha Ramdeen our LL1231 Vice President as Educator and Heather Johnston as Communicator.”
Liza concludes by saying, that she is extremely grateful for being afforded the opportunity to attend the OPCM convention as it was educational, inspiring and fun.
Lystra Mohammed Trustee of LL1231 says she learned a lot about contract flipping at the Canadian Office. GVP Dave Chatrand’s speech made her extremely enthusiastic to be actively involved in the IAM. Also impressive was the presentation done by Ivana Saula on AI and what impact it will have on our members. She says the highlight for her was hearing our very own Rootisha Rampat Organizer at the District 78 talk about how she gets her leads.
Recording secretary Marcia Stone, says that the convention was educational and the speakers spoke on a multitude of ways to bring about positive changes in the IAM. She had a lot of her questions answered at the OPCM Convention and overall had a great experience.
Trustee Joshua Tunde narrates that the OPCM was an eye opener for him. He got to know how the Union operates at the provincial level. He gained a wealth of knowledge on a variety of topics including AI and its probable negative impact on workers. Also discussed was the importance of incorporating a safe guide on the use of technical language in forthcoming negotiations. He says the convention was relaxing and educational.
The Executive board of LL1231, it’s members and the delegates who attended the event, want to thank the organizers, District 78 and all those who participated in the convention for making it truly memorable for them.