Political Action

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Who do you vote for…. and why….? Ever wonder why political action is so important? Many of us go to the polls but what we should be doing is looking deeper into the ideas of political parties and how it relates to our daily lives.

The healthcare system is one of the most significant things that affect us all as Canadians. We need a good healthcare system for our basic survival. How do these politicians set laws that guarantee our basic right to healthcare? We need to ensure that a clear message is sent to parliament about what we expect as voters.

As union members we have strength in our numbers. We must use this strength to drive the politics of today. We must get out and support the members that are making a difference; by campaigning, attending information sessions on key voting issues affecting our healthcare system, and by staying informed about how changing legislation affects our jobs.

Click on the video below to see why union members should be involved in political action and why the IAM supports the NDP.